Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy
Orofacial myofunctional therapy consists of different exercises done daily by the patient to help correct myofunctional disorders caused by abnormal habits. Myofunctional therapy aims to strengthen the muscles of the face and mouth. This type of therapy treats functional problems such as mouth breathing, tongue thrust, low tongue posture, improper swallow pattern, etc. Through treatment patients also find they have improved sleep, absence of headaches, tension, jaw pain and more.
Myofunctional therapy may be appropriate for anyone over the age of 5 who exhibit any of the following:
- Habitual mouth breathing
- Chronic headaches
- Chronic neck and/or shoulder tension
- Low tongue posture
- Grinding and clenching
- Poor sleep
- Ortho treatment that is at a standstill
- Tongue thrust
- Limited tongue movement
- ADHD-like symptoms
- Snoring
- Sleep apnea
- Tongue tie
If you or your child exhibit any of the above and are interested in undergoing a myofunctional therapy assessment please reach out to our office for more information and to book an appointment!